March 28, 2025

This is my renewal year for ABEM, and as you can imagine I just want to take a $1,700 test once (you read that right, that’s my cost to voluntarily take a test to remain Board Certified). (Board Certified rant pending).

What have other ABEMers taken, either as in-home or travel-to courses that you’d either recommend, or scare me away from? I’d actually prefer a travel-to course (fewer distractions), but am open to whatever works best.

Please add a comment, or send me a message through the ‘contact’ form.

I’ll let you know how it comes out.


3 thoughts on “ABEM ConCert prep course recommendations?

  1. I used PEER VII via something called SpacedED. PEER VII is a practice question format. SpacedED (now apparently called Qstream) emails you questons each day which worked for me. It is an easy way to force yourself to study a little each day. I don’t think PEER VIII is available the same way but it appears they now offer it using an on-line practice test format.

  2. My residency program really harped on the Ohip ACEP review course for our initial certification, and the attendings said they went for their recerts. Never did it though, so this is 2nd hand info at best, but I trust my attendings to recommend something worthwhile.

    FWIW. Good luck!

  3. I just did the Peer books. I swear some of the questions on Concert were straight out of that, and I read John Ma’s book, OK, most of it. It is sooo hard to study when you are our age!!! Will this be your last ConCert?

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