February 22, 2025


FORT WORTH CBSDFW.COM – With hundreds of human cases of the West Nile Virus being reported across Texas and more than a dozen related deaths in North Texas it seems some people are overreacting and calling 911 when they’re bitten by a mosquito.In short, health officials say a mosquito is not a health emergency.“We understand peoples concerns regarding the West Nile Virus, but in the absence of any symptoms of West Nile then a simple mosquito bite is really not a reason for someone to call 911,” said Matt Zavadsky, public affairs director for MedStar Emergency Medical Services.One woman called Fort Worth 911 requesting assistance because her young nephew had a bump on his arm.

via Health Officials: No Need To Call 911 For Mosquito Bites « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth.

We’re seeing some of this in the ED, people with bug bites coming straight in ‘to get checked out’.


6 thoughts on “Health Officials: No Need To Call 911 For Mosquito Bites « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

  1. I’ve probably been bitten by thousands, if not tens of thousands, of mosquitoes in my day. I’m not dead, or even sick, yet. Some people have WAY too little to worry about.

  2. Yet my physician has advised me not to walk outside in the early morning or late afternoon in areas where mosquitoes breed unless I wear long sleeves and long pants and use a liberal dosing of ‘Off’. “You are one mosquito bite away from catastrophe”, says my doc. I understand that West Nile this year carries a good chance of major neurological complications. The fear of West Nile is undoubtedly exaggerated, just as the fear of white powder (anthrax) was several years ago. Nonetheless, who wants to ignore the risk and end up with the disease?

  3. The media seems to insight panic sometimes and it is always nice to be able to research findings with Doctors like you.

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