March 28, 2025

This is depressing, and I know you’re not here to be depressed, you’re here because you already are, or you wouldn’t be checking a site that’s essentially never updated.

I liked blogging, then I worked at it, then it kinda died with new SocialMedia, and now I romanticize the Good Old Blogging Days the longer I’m active mostly on Twitter.

I keep this because I’m not bold enough to be a quitter, and because I may need to come back someday.

Thanks for being here.

4 thoughts on “Another year. Seventeen so far.

  1. Well , I don`t normally post things , but as in this case I tend to reply .
    Just take your time over what you do .

  2. “Keep on going on!”* I stumbled upon your answers on Quora and it led me here. You have a gift in writing as well as the skill of a surgeon. Writing about your surgeries, your patients and what you do is cathartic.
    If only a handful of people read your blog, instead of the masses who read the blogs of certain people that write about their famous lives, that speaks of how society is sinking into the depths of ignorance.
    *”Keep on keeping on.” * a line from a silly movie about an underdog who finally got the life he wanted, Joe Dirt.
    Much Aloha to you

  3. I mistakenly wrote “keep on going on” in the first quote in the above comment. It should have said “keep on keeping on” being the technologically challenged person I am, I do not know how to edit it! My bad for letting auto correct change my words and not proof reading thoroughly before pressing post. Geeesh.

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