March 6, 2025

The Examining Room of Dr. Charles
I’m going to take a break from blogging.The Examining Room has been going for almost 3 years. It has been a wonderful experience for me. I’ve met great people, been challenged intellectually, and have had an audience for that bit of creativity still left in me that survived running the gauntlet of medical training.

…The main reason I am taking a break, perhaps a long break, is that my life, like yours, only allows me a finite amount of time for pursuing an avocation. I’d like to try to work on a book. It’s a story you might read one day, or it might simply rest on my bookshelf, unpublished. But it is the writing of the thing that I feel passionate about. Wish me luck.

Thank you, Dr. Charles, for all the excellent free entertainment all these years. Blogging is, after all, a hobby for us in the MedBlog world and hobbies take time, come, and go. You have a writing talent well beyond mortal bloggers, and I hope you do write that book, even if it is about tomatoes.

And come back if you want.  We’d love it.

4 thoughts on “The Examining Room of Dr. Charles: Adieu

  1. I will greatly miss Dr. Charles.

    And… I don’t know why I’m blurting this out….or why I chose your comments section to mention this stupid problem of mine….

    But I’m having a similar dilemma of having to stop blogging for awhile (but for different reasons). I may be forced to take a break from blogging—–because I am finishing my paperwork today on admission to The Betty Ford Center. Yet I still haven’t decided yet whether or not to go there—or whether to make a go of it here locally, in my un-insured state, which will be near impossible in the state of Texas. (Long story of how I have the option of going to Betty Ford…)

    I will miss him, too.

    I saw on the Betty Ford Center’s schedule of activities that they have “internet time” included on their “activities”. But I don’t know if that means the ability to blog or not. I’m sure they have to consider patient privacy. I don’t know what to do. I hate to leave my blog for that long.

    And yet, I may have to go…..

  2. BHR,
    Do what you need, for your health, first and foremost. I’m sure you enjoy blogging, like I do, but it’s not life, it’s a hobby.

    And just think about what you can blog about on the other side of a Betty Ford experience (when you’re ready, if ever). There’s no shame in taking a break.

  3. I didn’t know you left the blog world. I googled looking for you. You probably won’t get this, since this is from June, 2007. I wish you great success with your book and thank you for touching my life and Clark’s. We are well and I am glad to have known you……

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