March 28, 2025

Kevin, M.D. – Medical Weblog: Terms of Use Agreement
Terms of Use Agreement
This Terms of Use Agreement (this “Agreement”) is entered into by and between Kevin Pho, M.D. (the “Author”) and “you,” the user of this web blog, also known as the “Kevin, M.D.—Medical Weblog” (the “Site”). Access to, use of and/or browsing of the Site is provided subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. By accessing, using and/or browsing the Site, you hereby agree to these terms and conditions.

It goes on and on, and does not appear to be parody.

If blogging requires this, I want nothing to to with it. I suspect this disclaimer has nothing to do with his blogging, and everything to do with his plan to take over the world commercial ventures.

Oh, and talk about timely: Dr. Wes on a very similar disclaimer, and how it doesn’t make him warm and fuzzy.

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