March 28, 2025

Health Management Rx: Maryland Gets Million+ to Reroute “Unnecesary ER Visits”

Interesting: pay a group to keep people out of the ER, without actually specifying how they’re going to do it(but giving them legal cover to try).

It bears watching.

5 thoughts on “Health Management Rx: Maryland Gets Million+ to Reroute “Unnecesary ER Visits”

  1. There are many patients that don’t need to be in the ED. Toothache, medication refill, cold symptoms.

    One way to reduce the use of the ED for non-emergent patients is to have a clinic that these people can be referred too from triage. Open at least from 11 am to 2 am but 24 hours would be better, this would relieve some of the pressure on the overcrowding on the ED.

  2. Why can’t the non-emergencies be treated at urgent care clinics? Will they be turned away & have to wait to make an appt with their PCP? We have several urgent care clinics here & of the few times I’ve had to use them, I’ve never even seen them turn away a kid with a cold.

  3. Yeah… but urgent-care and walk-in clinics require payment up-front. How many of your chronic ER abusers are going to do that?

  4. I would like to just have a way of tracking/flagging these types of visits so that they can get a nice friendly letter to tell them to quit wasting tax payer money – i.e. c/c “hurt wrist”, duration “15 mins”, injury? “none”, have you tried any otc medication, ice or elevation? “no” – Take some ibuprofen and save the taxpayers $600 next time.

    After tracking the wasteful visits, maybe we can send the info to the legislature and/or media to create public pressure for some real reform in the health care system.

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