March 28, 2025

Report a bad doctor to the authorities, go to jail? It might really happen for Anne Mitchell, RN in Winkler County, Texas : Respectful Insolence.

He’s been on this from the beginning.  Good news: one of the nurses was dismissed; bad news, the other is on trial.


My grandparents lived in Winkler County (Kermit), and are gone now.  I think they’re spinning in their graves over this.

5 thoughts on “Report a bad doctor to the authorities, go to jail? It might really happen for Anne Mitchell, RN in Winkler County, Texas : Respectful Insolence

  1. Yeah, we shouldn’t definitely let physicians be in charge of judging their own. Health courts are a FINE idea!

  2. Matt… Where to begin?! Truly a non sequitur! LOL! So… If I recall you are involved in the practice of law? Since you accuse all physicians of the inability to act professionally and judge each others practice because of this particular example then may we also apply your logic to attorneys as well and assume that you are a liar and adulterer since Edwards, an attorney, recently admitted he lied about his affair? Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? By the way, have you donated to their defense fund yet? I just did! Perhaps we can agree on that!?!

  3. You meant “the charges against one of the nurses were dismissed”, right? Otherwise… that seems like bad news, not good :)

  4. “Since you accuse all physicians of the inability to act professionally and judge each others practice because of this particular example”

    I did no such thing. I think this merely illustrates the danger of allowing someone to judge their own. I figured that would be a pretty universal sentiment. Sorry to offend.

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