February 22, 2025

FORT WORTH — The vision of an M.D. school in Fort Worth took another big step Thursday when the University of North Texas regents voted unanimously to proceed with plans to establish a program at the UNT Health Science Center.

Already, $25 million has been raised for start-up costs, said Dr. Scott Ransom, president of the health science center.

“This is a win, win, win,” he said, adding that about 90 donors have contributed to the program and many more commitments have been made. “This is a huge deal for Fort Worth, Texas.”

via University of North Texas regents OK plan for M.D. school at Health Science Center | Health |….

Fort Worth’s worst kept secret marches onward.

So, what’s the over/under on FW still having a DO school in 10 years?

3 thoughts on “University of North Texas regents OK plan for M.D. school at Health Science Center | Health |…

  1. I give it zero chance for survival. TCOM has already recruited a faculty that has more MDs than DOs and the DOs are leaving as fast as they can. Family Practice, one of its strengths has gone from 25 DOs to 3. Its the big lie all over again.

  2. So what is the big deal. They are both doctors, they take the same certification tests, and they get paid the same.

    In the long run it really doesn’t make a difference to the consumer, they just want the person taking care of them to be competent.

  3. UNT probably got fed up dealing with the AOA…as a DO school graduate I can attest to the same- its a backwards and very non-progressive organization stuck in the 1800s- and that’s the very short version of a very long rant…

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